The Indispensable Value Of Attention

Photo Credit: Stephan Geyer via Compfight cc I took my wife out to dinner last night for a belated valentines dinner. Directly behind her were three families in three different booths. Each family had four kids ranging in ages from 5 – 12 years old. And each...

Skip The Teachable Moment

The other day my son made a pretty big mistake. It was the type of mistake that hurt him a lot. Not physically, but personally. What was even more difficult was the fact that I had told him that if he chose to do what he wanted to do it would turn out badly. Being 11,...
How To Talk “The Talk”

How To Talk “The Talk”

Talking To Your Kids About Sex Talking to kids about sex is not easy for a lot of parents. They feel embarrassed, dirty and/or “sinful” when discussing such things. Other parents may be lacking specific information or be confused on just how much to talk...
How To Talk “The Talk”


Help Your Teen Experience Healthy Sexuality We live in a culture that puts more and more pressure on our teens to be highly sexual. At the same time, teens are experiencing internal pressures from their own awakening sexuality. As parents, how do we help guide and and...