
The biggest question I got from last week’s episode was “HOW do you go from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset?”

It’s not easy to change, but it IS possible.

Since a fixed mindset usually is learned through experiences, the way you change is intentionally create new experiences for yourself that will challenge the mindset. In fact, in all of the research I’ve been studying everything points to the act of DOING as THE way of making significant change in your life.

Knowledge is not enough. Knowledge put into action is necessary.

In This Episode You’ll Hear About…

  • Learned Helplessness—How encountering failure and failure can put you into a mindset that believes success is no longer an option, so why try.
  • The Sunk Cost Fallacy—Once you’ve made an investment, it’s harder to get out of a bad situation.
  • Confirmation Bias—Allowing information in that confirms our negative beliefs while filtering out any information that could actually help us change.
  • Heightened Emotional States—The reason why we believe what we believe in the first place.
  • The I-SUCK Method of Change—Identify, Senses, Understand, Challenge By Choice, and Konnection.
  • The Overcoming Limiting Beliefs Workshop—I’m tired of just talking about change. I want to provide a context for people to ACTUALLY change through a safe and encouraging experience. Click here to find out more.

Videos Used In This Episode

[youtube id=”TU7RBqTndJ8″ align=”center” autoplay=”no”]

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