Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, things just don’t work out the way you want them to.

Double Failure

Normally when I speak I have two different ways of recording the presentation—audio only and video. Last night, for Week 2 of the Shameless series, I set both of those up and hit record. After the presentation I checked the audio recording and found out that I only recorded the first 7 minutes.

No problem, I’ll just pull the audio from the video and use that for the podcast.

As you guessed, this morning I found out that the video also bombed and didn’t capture the audio.

So, the second week of Shameless is NOT available via podcast. Very sorry!

Mistakes and failures show up in the most unexpected places and at times that are highly inconvenient. I feel bad that I can’t make this available to those that might want it. A few years ago I know I would have been beating myself up pretty badly because I would be afraid of how I looked or what others thought of me.

As I’ve worked through many of my shame issues, I’m glad to say that my worth and value are based on more than a simple audio recording. I’ve learned to give myself permission to make mistakes—even very public ones. I hope many of you can learn how to become comfortable with your imperfections as well.

Read Instead Of Listen

In preparation for the Shameless class I’ve been reading Brene Brown’s The Gifts Of Imperfection. Since I don’t have a podcast for you this week, I’d strongly encourage you to get a copy and read through some of the important concepts she shares about overcoming shame.