Brene Brown says that “Shame is the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging.” This belief system is what keeps you and me from being able to move past some of our poor choices or experiences and find peace and personal acceptance.

Why Talk About Shame

I intentionally decided to speak on shame because it is an area of my life that I am wanting to overcome. Unfortunately, shame doesn’t like to be talked about. I like keeping it secret and hidden.

So, as a way to kick myself in the butt a little bit, I placed myself in the position of agreeing to present on the topic. This forced me to ask the hard questions, to wrestle with some of the areas I haven’t wanted to wrestle with before now.

It is definitely uncomfortable. But, if I’m unwilling to expose my own shame, what right do I have to encourage others to do the same. Its time to practice what I preach.

The Venue

I’m speaking on Monday nights at Imago Dei’s Refuge group here in Portland. Anyone is welcome to attend if you happen to have nothing else to do. (By the way, they usually have pretty good cookies).