Help Your Teen Experience Healthy Sexuality

We live in a culture that puts more and more pressure on our teens to be highly sexual. At the same time, teens are experiencing internal pressures from their own awakening sexuality. As parents, how do we help guide and and direct all of this sexual energy?

SEXploration is a class that will help parents understand the importance of becoming proactive in their teens sexual development and explore the world of sexuality together. The class will show parents and teens how to embrace their sexuality while still maintaining their morals and value systems.


Presented to teens and parents at the same time, SEXploration is designed to foster communication and interaction between both generations. Several practical projects are suggested to make the information as relevant as possible. For those that attend, its guaranteed to generate lots of questions and conversations.

Scheduled Classes

Currently, there are no classes scheduled. If you would like to host this class at your church or group, please contact Paul at 503-863-4074 for more information.