Hi, I’m Paul

It’s nice to meet you.

If you’d like to talk in person,
I can be reached at 503-863-4074

Three ways I can help you personally

Online Counseling

Counseling or coaching from the comfort and safety of your own home.

In-Person Counseling

Understand your story and how it affects you today.

Professional Coaching

Get better at a skill, task, or goal (without a “diagnosis”)

Three ways I can help your relationships

"Our Marriage is in Crisis"

If you’re at the end of your rope and not sure what to do, get clear direction now.

"Our Marriage Needs A Tune-up"

Go from surviving to thriving with easy-to-use relationship tools.

"We Want To Get Married"

Build your relationship on a solid foundation with pre-marital counseling.

Years Practicing

Clients Helped (and counting)

Masters Degrees in Counseling

Approx. Hours Counseling

If you’ve never done counseling before…

(It will show you exactly what to do).

Recent Blog Posts

Righteous vs. wicked leaders

This week I came across two definitions every leader should evaluate themselves against. "Righteous": Those who disadvantage themselves for the advantage of their community. "Wicked": Those who advantage themselves to the disadvantage of their community. If the people...

Less choices

Leadership is about offering people less choices. Yes, you read that correctly. Think of it like this... you can find pretty much anything for free online if you have enough time to go searching for it. In fact, you'll probably find too much online, so you'll end up...

Emotional self-awareness

It's been a rough start to the week. If I'm honest with myself, I'm feeling: discouragedlostunclearconfuseddisappointedfrustrated None of these are a great state of mind to make major decisions from. You and I have the same responsibility It's my job to (A) be aware...

Here’s some resources I’ve built for you


Online workshops & podcast to help you fight less, feel understood, and enjoy a deeper connection with your spouse.

My First Book

What A Wife Really Wants: Six essential things every husband needs to know about his wife.

The Codependency Project

A hands-on, practical audio program giving you 24 projects to change your relationships.